Alliance forms EMCR Brain Science Network

What is the EMCR Brain Science Network?

The network will consist of emerging brain science researchers from a range of disciplines and will provide an avenue for these researchers to influence decisions about brain science in Australia.

The network will be led by a Steering Committee of EMCRs from diverse backgrounds who will work to find ways for EMCRs to contribute to the mission of the Australian Brain Alliance. They will aim to enable crosstalk between disciplines to allow EMCRs in the brain sciences to overcome the barriers which create silos within research.

Who should get involved?

We are looking for EMCRs with an interest in brain and mind research to drive this new initiative. A diverse group of 10-15 EMCRs from around Australia and across different disciplines will be selected to form a Steering Committee, which will work with the Australian Brain Alliance to determine the direction of the EMCR Brain Science Network and how best to implement it.

It is important that the EMCR Brain Science Network Steering Committee reflects the EMCR brain science community in Australia and is composed of a diverse group of voices. We encourage all EMCRs with an interest in brain and mind research to apply. We particularly encourage expressions of interests from and aim to appoint members who meet any of the following:

  • identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • are based in regional areas
  • works outside the university sector.

Why get involved?

This is your chance to shape this initiative right from the beginning and create an EMCR Brain Science Network that is effective, meaningful and provides tangible benefits to EMCRs working in brain science.

You will begin working immediately following selection with a group of the best emerging researchers in brain science in Australia with a common goal of creating the best network possible.

You will be fully funded, including flights and accommodation, to attend Brains at the Dome: A workshop on international brain initiatives to be held on 7 December.

You will attend a planning meeting on 8 December at the Australian Academy of Science to determine the scope and implementation of the EMCR Brain Science Network.

You will be recognised as a leader in your field and have the chance to work towards changes you would like to see in your field and the sector.

The Process

7 – 19 November:       Expressions of interest open to EMCRs to join the Steering Committee

24 November:             Successful Steering Committee members notified

27 November:             Steering Committee meets via teleconference

7 December:               Attend Brains at the Dome

8 December:               Attend planning meeting at the Australian Academy of Science to determine the scope and implementation strategy of the EMCR Brain Science Network.

After the event:           Continue working with the Steering Committee to implement the strategy defined at the planning meeting.


Early- and mid-career researchers working in Australia, who have received their PhD within the last 15 years (excluding any periods of career interruption) are eligible to apply. If you identify as an EMCR, but do not fit this criteria, please explain this on the application form. You must be a member of the EMCR Forum to apply. It is free to be a member and you can sign up as part of your application if you are not currently a member.

To apply you must complete the expression of interest form by Sunday 19 November.

Apply by clicking Apply at the bottom of the page.

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria, taking into account your experience relative to your opportunity:

  • scientific excellence
  • service contribution to the field
  • ability to make a meaningful contribution to the Steering Committee
  • equity, diversity, inclusion principles.

The Australian Academy of Science is committed to supporting inclusion and accessibility. There are additional funds available to facilitate your attendance if you have special requirements or require additional support.

If you require any further information please contact Laura Navarro on 02 6201 9488 or via email

The Theo Murphy (Australia) Initiative

The EMCR Brain Science Network is supported by seed funding from the Theo Murphy (Australia) Initiative.

The Theo Murphy (Australia) Initiative supports activities which provide tangible benefits to Australia’s early- and mid-career researcher (EMCR) community, with the overall goal of furthering scientific discovery. Activities are managed by the Australian Academy of Science and funds are made available by the generous support of the Royal Society through the Theo Murphy (Australia) Fund.

